double»drop #29

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In der „double»drop“ August-Ausgabe spielen Wage und Submode einige der Tracks, die sie am meisten beeinflusst haben. 4 Hero fangen an, bevor euch Technical Itch in die Dunkelheit führt. Neue Alben gibt es von Eastcolors und Bcee, dazu auch Tracks von Om Unit und Zere mit prächtigem Jungle-Sound. Mix and Blend!

In ‚double»drop‘ this August, Wage and Submode pay homage to a few of their drum’n’bass influences from over the years. Classic 4 Hero eases you in before later on Technical Itch takes the show to some darker places than regular listeners would expect. New album material from both Eastcolors and Bcee gets played, as well as other tracks from the likes of Om Unit and Zere taking us down a jungly path. Mix and Blend!

Das wird gespielt:

  1. 4Hero – Loveless [Talkin’ Loud]
  2. 4Hero – Universal Love [Reinforced Records]
  3. Om Unit – Spiritwerk [Cosmic Bridge]
  4. Zere – Warning [Mac2]
  5. Dylan & Ink – California Curse (Technical Itch Remix) [Outbreak Records]
  6. Technical Itch – The Rukus [Penetration Records]
  7. Kubiks, Bcee & Lomax – Runaway [Jerona Fruits]
  8. Zero T & Fierce – Second Nature [Quarantine Recordings]
  9. Eastcolors – You And Me [Demand Records]
  10. Bcee – Come And Join Us [Spearhead Recordings]
  11. DJ Zinc – Flim (Vocal Mix) [Bingo Beats]
  12. Shimon – Hush Hush [Ram Records]
  13. Kabuki – Lovelines [Hard:Edged]
  14. Nucleus & Paradox – Blade 9 [Metalheadz]


(Foto: dou­ble­drop­crew)