double»drop #23


Für alle Junglists und Oldskoolheadz geeignet: Die 23. double»drop-Sendung steht ganz im Zeichen der guten alten Beats, die unseren Sound zu dem gemacht haben, was er heute ist. Ohne Roots gäbe es die Musik nicht und deshalb gebührt eben diesen Wurzeln der Respekt! Wir gehen von Source Direct über Seba, mit nem Zwischenstopp bei Klute, bis hin zu Alex Reece.

In English:)Episode 23 of double»drop goes out with a firm nod to all junglists and Old Skool Heads as we focus our attention on the classic beats that shaped the music into what it is today. Drum and Bass wouldn’t exist without these roots, so it is only right that they are shown the proper respect they deserve. Join our journey through time and space as we pass by tracks from Source Direct,  Seba, Klute and Alex Reece over a period spanning 20 years.

Das wird gespielt:

  1. Klute – You Won’t Like It [Commercial Suicide]
  2. Skeptical – Imperial [Exit]
  3. Digital – Deadline (Ed Rush & Optical Remix) [31 Recordings]
  4. Loxy & Gremlinz – The Grouch [DSCI4]
  5. Source Direct – Fabric Of Space [Source Direct Recordings]
  6. Mikal – Where They At [Metalheadz]
  7. Special Forces – Something Else… (The Bleeps Tune) [Photek Productions]
  8. Seba – Berberian Sound [Secret Operations]
  9. Alex Reece – Feel The Sunshine [Blunted]
  10. Nucleus & Paradox – Chiron [31 Recordings]
  11. Source Direct – Two Masks [Science]
  12. Ruffhouse – 13 [Cylon]


(Foto: doubledropcrew)